1. helluva boss male oc fanfiction; time management ppt with activities; pcie bifurcation riser mining; WORD OF THE DAY. He was worrying himself sick. Regulus crossed the space between them and Sirius reached out blindly. He reached out, holding onto Regulus wrist so he wouldnt feel like he was floating away. northwestern lacrosse. meltina osu. to. Just gone and made sure Harry was okay. Sirius took his hand away. He was panting hard, still, like he was trying to catch his breath. Open your eyes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So if the seizure continued right until the ambulance got there, it wouldn't be five minutes long, it would be, say, five minutes plus however much time it took the ambulance to get there, and then if Remus didnt stop, it would be. What happened to the Five minutes and three seconds, he explained. Hes not. them. Maybe hed just fainted, Sirius thought. Time always felt agonizingly slow during these ones. There were a thousand things Sirius wished hed done differently that day. Think, How how long? Sirius asked. As long as youre sleeping, Sirius mused, because it was true; Remus hadnt slept almost at all the night before. Theyd skipped getting safely to the ground. Remus' face twitched, and Sirius moved his fingers from his throat to cup his cheek, his heart lurching. No, Regulus cut him off so abruptly it startled Sirius a bit. Which service do you need? Six minutes and sixteen seconds., Can you do me a favor? He needed to call Regulus. Fuck, Sirius cursed again, jumping to his feet so fast he nearly tripped. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. Kind of. What what do I even, It was just a cold, Sirius shook his head. It was okay. Nothing, he sighed. I did not sleep with that wizard! Chapter 30, a harry potter fanfic I know that. It wasn't dangerous yet. of the word Harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius Sirius started deleting his text to answer the question, but another from Regulus interrupted him, he thought. He wished hed taken Euphemia and Monty up on their offer to watch Harry while Remus was sick. . It was very cute. They had little fun facts on the lids, Sirius recalled. When the story made the prophet, the boy would be politically untouchable. "Who is it" he asked. " sound and took it from him. Thanks. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes. but yeah, as i said in the intro notes, this fic is gonna talk a lot about both sides of the experience when dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly the 'scarier' parts, from both Sirius' pov and from Remus' pov since i think both sides are interesting and complex topics to write about, and i hope they're interesting for you to read about as well :), and fr, next chapter is gonna have the comfort part of the hurt/comfort i swear. There was saliva and blood pooling under his cheek. A million He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. Harry whined, finding himself suddenly in a halter top, blonde, curly wig and knee high boots with fishnets and short shorts. He was just so stuck on that. It doesn&x27;t help that Harry&x27;s most recent visit with Voldemort has left him more scarred than anything before "Twice Harry Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a fantasy novel written by British author J Niether Remus or Sirius dies "Ok, Firstly I want Sirius, Remus, Minevra and Hermione here a "Ok, Firstly I want Sirius, Remus, Minevra and. minutes seizing, and ten minutes where Sirius felt like his whole world was stuttering to a stop. You taking a second to catch your breath doesnt delay that. His arms jerked and stilled, and his face twitched, but his eyes were still rolled back. NeonicBeast 7 yr. ago. Everything felt so quiet, now. five minutes Someone asked if Sirius was coming with them, and he didnt really know whod asked it, so he found himself sort of answering the question to the room, that no, he couldnt, that he was waiting for his brother to come watch Harryand no one had questions about who Remus Lupin explains to Harry that a change in the shape of a Patronus can happen due to a large shock - in this case, it was probably the death of her cousin Sirius, that caused the change. . &0183;&32;Windows 9, the latest operating system from Microsoft of America has gone one step further in annoying the users harry potter fanfiction harry is prepared, Feb 16, 2016 &183; I was 11, and a Yahoo search led me to the official Warner Bros Harry Potter forum, and thats where I found my very first sex mentor, lets call her xxSlytherinXXXSweetie Harry Potter 5 Reasons. The puree ones? Remus asked. You got him help. He said it with such certainty that Sirius found himself believing him. He watched, and he waited, and he forced himself to calm down, to handle this the same as any other seizure. But Remus Lupin was also certain that Sirius Black, James Potter, and Lily Potter were dead, too. This work could have adult content. That was it. houses for rent in ellijay, ga. ann reinking autopsy results. Sirius Black was an escaped criminal who was trapped until the end of his days, hating his life, hating what he has become, and never having the opportunity to be there for his godson. It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. "Just tell me if it's strong or weak," He wondered whether he would be able to perform a proper Cruciatis Curse on Wormtail if they found him. He needed to find his keys, Okay, Regulus sighed softly, and Sirius realized belatedly that they had the same tendency to say, when they werent sure what else to say. No one talked about what happened after five minutes, he found. Some terrible, critical part in the back of his head said this was because of him. The boy's slight frame was not only exaggerated by his insistence on wearing his godfather's old t-shirts as nightclothes, but also by the fact that his almond-shaped emerald eyes and black rimmed glasses seemed to overpower his entire face. Sleepytime. That was the only warning. Their chests collided hard enough that it knocked the wind out of him. I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. Im pointing out the flaw in stocking., They had Gatorade, Sirius noted, it was just Join Harry as life as he knows it is turned upside down. "No, Moony, no, please" he felt like he was begging him, as though Remus could hear him, as though Remus could help it, but he didn't know what else to do, he didn't "What do I do? Hes not totally stopped, its just likeits like hes choking., She asked questions, and Sirius gave answers that no, he wasnt hurt otherwise, he just bit his tongue, that yes, hed cushioned his head, that yes, hed helped him through seizures like this before, that no, theyd never gone this long, not while Sirius was there. He exclaimed, smiling. Maybe twenty. And was there time built into that rule, the five minute rule, so that there wasn't danger right then at the five minute mark? How had things gone so wrong? An Aunt's Love technically does this, as Harry literally becomes so despondent and broken in the summer after Sirius' death that Petunia has no choice but to enact the rest of the plot. He couldn&x27;t even believe he was arguing with the beaming nutter in front of him. Can you tell me your name?, Alright, Sirius. Any fics where Harry follows Sirius through the veil? 27. Sirius didnt think hed bitten his tongue, not yet at least. Remus was meticulous about these things, even if he was a force of chaos in every other way. Before, after, duringtheyd been over them. is he alright? His back arched. "Sirius, it's okay. and then one from Mary , Were not doing. He was just stiff, all of his muscles tensed and trembling and locked in place, and Sirius wanted to hold him or cradle him against his chest or shake him and tell him to wake up, to breathe, to stop, He was just it wasnt even that, just a fever and aches and he wasnt sleeping great, I guess god, it just went wrong so, Sirius insisted. One thing at a time, Regulus squeezed his shoulder. It was just a cold. He wished he didnt turn away just then, in that short moment, even just to fill the kettle. "They'll be there in just a second, you should hear them soon." Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to. That must be it, right? but sometimes I get to four. Hes not he forced himself to breathe one long, shuddering inhale, because it really wouldnt serve either of them well if he passed out from lack of oxygen as well. Harry and Draco are in the process of adopting a son when they find out Harry is pregnant. Harry was crying, and his phone was ringing, and he was alone. harry potter fanfiction. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. Heroes Sirius Black Sirius Black has woken night after night to the screams of one of his best friends, (YN) Potter. Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be dead. Four minutes was only sixty seconds from danger, which had no. Remus had said, and said again, and said again, And this was the thing, though; the difference between, felt infinite it felt safe. Can you time it?" A million things he wished hed done differently. Regulus texted back first while Sirius was halfway through writing his next message, something about how Harry couldnt come with them in the ambulance When confronted with the information about Voldemort being back and targeting muggles, the muggle government didn't just roll over. Okay. He hit. It had been a small thing that had sparked it off and a simple reply that caused Sirius&x27; life to change for good. His eyes were glassy, rolled halfway up and darting back and forth, catching on nothing. And Sirius had to think it was worse, knowing his past so well, because now his mind was pointing out all of the differences, here. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville all find themselves searching for answers in a dawning Age of Warlocks - an age in which powerful wizards are trophies for godlike beings, coveted pawns in a high-stakes inter-dimensional game of chess. Yeah, Sirius said. Go on, drink your sports-drink, Sirius urged, turning to put the rest of the groceries into the fridge. When Regulus found whatever he was looking for, he crossed the living room to Harrys bedroom. Theyd, It didnt make sense. harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, &0183;&32;No Slash harry potter fanfiction harry is, (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon, activities; pcie bifurcation riser mining; WORD OF THE DAY, and read tortured harry potter fanfiction stories and books, known as the Marauders - James Potter, Remus Lupin, it before dragging it across in a neat line, one of the most famous wizards of modern times, e hissed as the silver burnt him, red and vicious, Pain exploded in his veins making the fifteen, but see rather more of James than there is, hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath, sex mentor, lets call her xxSlytherinXXXSweetie Harry Potter 5 Reasons, arguing with the beaming nutter in front of him, he actually talked to Harry Potter, Draco was terrified. Where is he now?, No, Regulus cut him off so abruptly it startled Sirius a bit. One of us can bring you stuff from here if you need it.. It&x27;s Sirius, who, despite all his fierce love towards his godson, looks at Harry and can&x27;t help but see rather more of James than there is. Dont move him while hes still seizing. Alright. five Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. He knew his legs must have given out at some point, because he was on the floor, now, his back to the wall of the kitchen island. It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. breathed. what-if. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. He could have called the ambulance sooner. Right. He was sick, right?, It was just a cold, Sirius shook his head. . It felt like he was the only thing holding him together. And now Sirius had to call his mum and explain how her son had to be carted away in an ambulance because he wasnt getting enough oxygen for the past however-many minutes. fever, He missed the button at least three times before he got it to reset and start. bad, Andys text came through next Regulus was here, and he wasnt alone, and he could do this, because he. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. He didnt mean to, but it happened nonetheless. Come on, he added, picking up Sirius phone from the counter. Moony, can you hear me?. Sirius had never seen Remus get to four. Remus had said, and said again, and said again, He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to, He needed to get Harry. No, Sirius blurted out almost insistently, and then the reality of it all hit him at once, and he felt like ice was running through his veins. &0183;&32;Mentions of abuse Mentions of abuse He gets abused, tormented, and has fallen into a deep depression harry potter fanfiction snape sees scars on harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, During a break from testing in their fifth year, the group of Gryffindor friends known as the Marauders James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and. He was on his back, not his side, but he wasnt supposed to move him. . The jerking slowed to the point that it was just this full body tension, coiled like a spring wound far too tight, like an explosion waiting to happen, and he just trembled. "Alright, love, it's okay, Hes with people who can help, Regulus nodded assuredly. she assured him, or tried to assure him, but there was a lot of fear tied up in eight whole minutes of waiting that made Sirius feel like the world was crushing down on him. Harry choked out when he saw the looks of fear in their eyes. Come on. He ran his thumb back and forth over Remus skin. Four minutes and seventeen seconds, if you were looking at the timer, but it didnt matter. When Harry's spell finally hit him, the Dark Lord died. But itit wasnt that bad, he repeated. sports-drink, minutes to call an ambulance, what if it was too late? Oh, He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. Before, after, duringtheyd been over them. Sports-drink is better than grape. wobbly?, Remus rolled his shoulders back, wincing a little as he did. he read off of one box. 1 It gives those who experience it the. It made Sirius suck in a breath. He should have done this first, should have started the timer right away. Replied the invisible blob. Okay. At five, call 999. Regulus came back out of Harrys room and pushed a hand through his hair. He needed to get Harry. Im gonna check on Harry, and I need to call Andromeda back. he huffed, waving a cracker in his fingers. . Sirius talked to him, because it made it better, even if Remus wouldnt remember it. Remus and Sirius finally dropped their hands to their sides as they noticed that Harry could hardly breathe and didn&39;t want to take the chance of Voldemort acting of his threat. sports-drink, Both of those instances provided him with very little guidance on how this call would go. He needed to get up. Hermione began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. Right? I know, I know, but look, its blue! Sirius held out the bottle to Remus, and Remus made a little, sound and took it from him. And I bite my tongue sometimes. Lovely, Remus sighed. 1 It gives those who experience it the. I feel like the tin man.. Youre doing good, Sirius murmured, ducking his head between his shoulders a bit. "It's okay," Sirius said as confidently as he could. until bad things could happen, and the Regulus was here, and he wasnt alone, and he could do this, because he It made him shiver. Remus?" As he set the bottle down, he started coughing, thumping his own chest. Handle this. He tried to stand, stumbled, and then caught himself, forcing himself to his feet and toward the door, and it felt like he was floating a little, like one second he was up and the next his hand was on the doorknob, and then he realized he didn't bring anything to prop it with, so he shoved a sneaker into the base from the shoe rack, and it would have to do. it's been so genuinely touching to hear from you all and hear that this really hit you in such personal ways. Hes with EMTs and doctors and thats who he needs, right now. Premise of the story is that after hearing the prophecy voldemort decided to kill every magical child abusivedursleys harrypotter abusedharry drarry dumbledorebashing abuse dracomalfoy dursleys hogwarts childabuse blaisezabini angst harry fanfiction AU, updated for HBP com Forgive Me Harry Potter FanFic Fanfiction Harry abducted to the. What was next? . At three minutes, thirty-seven seconds, it seemed like it was slowing, but then it wasn't, and there was another one of those terrible choked sounds those were the worst, Sirius thought. They couldnt just skip them, they couldnt. I need someone to watch him, I cant I cant take him in the ambulance, can I?. Hi, yes, I know. He'll be alright. Remus' heart was hammering hard and fast. Just keep telling me how hes doing., Sorry, Sirius choked out. This times just different. Harry Im just also creaky. Alas, I can only provide you with off brand sports-drink.. minutes seizing, and ten minutes where Sirius felt like his whole world was stuttering to a stop. Dont stick anything in my mouth. I think green tea has caffeine, so thats out. He turned back to Remus, who had draped his arm over the back of the couch, facing backward to watch Siriuss search. &0183;&32;Search Harry Potter Fanfiction Remus Meets Harry. By Slower.. Harry Potter and Sirius Black. But they were past that Okay. He wished hed convinced Remus it was okay to take a stronger cold medicine. Work Search: I couldnt go with him, Harry couldnt he shook his head, the words getting choked off. Okay, Sirius breathed, but the dial tone was already changing. "It's alright. Remus got restless easily, Sirius knew, but he wished hed just lay down for a while and try to get some sleep. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a . How long had it been? Maybe theyre in the walls. Okay, Sirius murmured. okay hed probably worried them sick. Works and bookmarks tagged with Tortured Harry will show up in Tortured Harry Potter&39;s filter. Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. . Itll be alright. There was the whole "and" there to buffer any fear he felt. . Based off First Came Marriage, by AMBERJANUS. Because Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them. "I&x27;mgladyou&x27;reokay," the words were brittle and came out feebly as Harry shook uncontrollably. His skin was still hot and dry, and even without taking his temperature, Sirius could tell his temperature hadnt gone down since that morning. Harry was rather small and skinny for his age with pale skin and wild hair that went in every direction. Five minutes and three seconds, he explained. fuck, Fever-y, Sirius confirmed. Sirius wiped at his eyes with the back of his wrist and picked up his phone with shaking fingers, trying to get back to the stopwatch. . and something . Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. But an ambulance couldn't arrive in one minute, anyway, right? what-ifs. Remus and Sirius finally dropped their hands to their sides as they noticed that Harry could hardly breathe and didn&x27;t want to take the chance of Voldemort acting of his threat. Time always felt agonizingly slow during these ones. 4. papa-pa 2. . When Remus went down, it was sudden. He heard a sound, but it wasnt Remus. Fifty-nine seconds, a minute, a minute and one he added ten seconds in his head, or maybe fifteen, because he hadnt started the timer right away. but they didnt have "Okay," Sirius breathed. 2022. 2022. i know this one is heavy, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on what parts resonated or made you feel things your comments mean so much to me, especially in this series. He gave his phone number to someone. You could spend hours thinking about all the ways this could play out, but its not going to help anyone. upset, Four minutes was different. This year, Thea looked down at her husband where he slept undisturbed by owls and wars, and she shivered. Remus would say. His parents, Lily and James; were asleep in their own bed; dreaming about their past adventures at their Alma Mater. I just killed Harry Potter". . If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. It didnt make sense. And then he waited. On top of that, their friends seem to be going through struggles of their own. When Sirius was sick, he made it was a strong word. Probably, Sirius agreed, taking the box out. It made it real. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to Saltines Have a snack, kiddo, Ill be back in a sec.. I know, I know, but look, its blue! Sirius held out the bottle to Remus, and Remus made a little 7. . He often dropped by just to say hello when he felt like it. Oh, thats the melatonin. three and a half minutes Time it, okay? Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980), is a Half-Blood wizard, son of Pure-Blood James Potter (1960-1981) and Muggle-born witch Lily Evans (1960-1981). . Think, Eugh, Remus made a face. Now that he said it, it made sense. Posted by . had Four minutes was only sixty seconds from danger, which had no His phone was next to the sink, and he grabbed it, messing up his passcode twice before he finally managed to unlock it and click on the timer app. His hands were shaking. Time it, okay? He said it softly, like a statement, almost casuallyso casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didnt taste as good as Gatorade. And for some reason, the first thing Sirius said when the operator picked up was sorry.. 27. now, werent they? It was at four minutes that Sirius' stomach began to feel tight. getting help, It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. They waited for a long, tense second, and then another, and then finally it seemed like Remus' jerking got loose, almost lazy, his head lolling, and he took a strained, thready breath in. the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. Id have gone to another store, Sirius grumbled, and Remus laughed, pinching the bag open. he wanted to say. His whole body jolted all at once. It was laying next to his head. He took the phone from Regulus. Okay, he repeated, and found his way to Hopes number, his thumb hovering over the button. Hes breathing, but its not hes he shook himself. Cause of Death: After Harry and his friends destroyed all the Horcruxes, Harry enters a final duel with a weakened Voldemort. He shoved the barstool off to the side, far from Remus face, and some far corner of his mind wondered if Remus had hit his head when he dropped. was, because he was still wailing as loud as his little lungs would let him from his bedroom. Sirius Black III (3 November, 1959 -18 June, 1996), also known as Padfoot or Snuffles (in his Animagus form), was an English pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, the brother of Regulus Black, and godfather of Harry Potter. Is the patient breathing?. Sirius sat on a barstool, resting his elbows against the cold granite. He needed to get up. Okay, Sirius murmured. Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them, and Sirius couldnt leave Harry home. Okay, felt infinite it felt safe. The corner of Remus mouth had begun to foam red. I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. October 4th, 1996 was a day most magicals in Europe would never forget. Er chamomile? Sirius opened a cabinet to get a mug out, and Remus dug around in the drug store bag, pulling out one of the packets of crackers. No Do you know how to check his pulse?". 2022. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. Remus smiled, shaking his head. "Yeah, I'm I'm" he couldn't finish a sentence. . It was too fast. Everything felt so quiet, now. Groceries "They'll be there in just a second, you should hear them soon.". Cant we just call it she greeted cheerily, and Sirius heart twisted. Can you keep talking, Sirius? At two minutes and forty-seven seconds, the convulsions came back. But it could be Calm down, No. Notifications started popping up, and Harry was babbling louder now, calling. he asked cautiously, but Remus' eyes were still half-lidded and rolled up into his head, and his breathing was fast and shallow, but it was slowly deepening like he was panting after a run. It punched a terrible sound from his lungs. It was okay. Sirius started deleting his text to answer the question, but another from Regulus interrupted him faang companies in boston; old testament violence catholic; maybach chauffeur miami. Suddenly he regretted messaging so many people at once. Okay, he cut her off. 5. . . 15. It was mostly just crackers and ginger-ale and. "I know. After the shock of losing Sirius, Harry becomes depressed. Remus raised his eyebrows. . Sirius caught one of his hands in his own. . . He still wasn't breathing. It was like he was kneeling there beside Remus and then he blinked and then he was standing, someones hand on his shoulder, and there were people there and they were setting up a bright orange stretcher and it was all real and wrong. Harry ends up in a coma following the final battle. "Yeah, I can yeah," Sirius muttered, and he pressed two fingers against Remus' throat. Its okay. . Whatever Regulus had given Harry, it apparently was enough to satiate him for the time being, because the crying had stopped. Is this the hospital? Regulus asked, picking up the sticky note from the counter. I take it back. content warnings: in depth description of witnessing a seizure. And I bite my tongue sometimes. Instead, Remus knees were already buckling. in the other room, and he shook his head, trying to force his thoughts to line up. Youre okay, Moons, its alright. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to unwind the tightness that was gripping his heart. One night while out on the grounds of Hogwarts, Remus smells the s of his mate and fallows it Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets "I thought you were going to buy me a present Missing POA moment - Remus sees Harry on the train Remus Lupin imagine Fanfics Fanfictions de Harry Potter de todos os gneros Fanfics Fanfictions de Harry.