Family will meet friends on Saturday for 10 AM mass at St. Hilary Church, 5600 N. Fairfield in Chicago. Part of the selection process to fill the vacancy included a questionnaire in which Becton repeatedly plagiarized responses, including Martin Luther King Jr. quotes she somehow thought wouldnt get recognized. Doppelganger murder:They thought their daughter was dead. 27. JackStollsteimerDelaware County, Pennsylvania. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. Hedge fund billionaires John Paulson and George Soros were part of the group that together with buyout baron Christopher Flowers and billionaire Michael Dell bought the assets in 2009 of the. Monique Worrell is the second Soros candidate to become state attorney for Orange and Osceola County. The Murky Foreign Actors Behind US Election Fraud George Soros - Open Society Foundations Colombian police arrested John Nelson Poulos, a 35-year-old finance worker from Wisconsin, after they discovered on Jan. 22the body of Valentina Trespalacios, a popular Colombian DJ, stuffed inside a suitcase in a trash can near Bogotas El Dorado International Airport. Today Antonio Mugica sits in London, where Smartmatic now oversees a global network of computer vote rigging. George GasconLos Angeles County, California. The previous Christian Democratic regime of Rafael Caldera had passed a law requiring automated voting and the US voting companies ES&S and the Spanish Indra Systems had established a presence in the country. Soros has spent acombined $6 millionon California DA races, much of it wasted on failed candidates, but almost half was spent on the successful campaign of George Gascon for Los Angles DA. But the Michigan Repuplican Party called for further investigation in other counties. And he ran it, Soros ran it. In its postelection statement, Dominion asserts that the equipment was approved elsewhere. In St. Louis, the term is circuit attorney. It was founded in Toronto in 2002 by entrepreneur John Poulos at a time when digital voting machines were replacing paper ballots in the aftermath of the disputed 2000 presidential election in. Soros is a major funder of Democratic Party candidates and groups, including BLM. Since the election, his implementation of left-wing policies led to a crime wave that has became the stuff of legend. Dominion responded: The Georgia Secretary of States office continues to publicly affirm that there are no widespread issues.. Biberajs campaign in 2019 wasboosted by over $650,000 in Soros cash, and she is now facing a recall petition. In unofficial results, Biden defeated Trump in Michigan by 50.6% to 47.9%. In 2014, Mugica, together with British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company headquartered in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer, Smartmatic. Who Is George Soros? Biography, Facts, and Net Worth - Investopedia John Poulos. John Poulos is a partner in the Sacramento office of Lewis Brisbois and is co-chair of the Complex Business & Commercial Litigation Practice where he focuses exclusively on commercial litigation. Scott ColomCircuit Court District Sixteen, Mississippi. A medical examiner determined she died by strangulation. Investigators determined that Trespalacios had been staying with Poulos at a nearby shorty-stay rental apartment since Jan. 19, the same day Poulos entered the country. George Soros - Spouse, Career & Biography The Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the Jussie Smollet hoax, the attack on the Waukesha Christmas parade, the organized mob lootings in San Francisco, and now the indictment of the Baltimore district attorney have each attracted national attention and spotlighted an issue that many in law enforcement and politics have been warning of for years: the threat of activist district attorneys (DAs). Poulos straining to load the suitcase from a cart into a gray rental cars trunk. John Poulos, a Wisconsin man, met Valentina Trespalacios online 10 months ago, police said. Two partners, John Poulos and James Hoover, founded Dominion Voting Systems in 2000 in Toronto. (Source: The Denver Post) (Also note that Hickenlooper rubbed shoulders with globalist "kingmakers" at the 2018 Bilderberg conferencein Italy) In March 2005 Smartmatic bought the California Sequoia Voting Systems from its then-owner, De La Rue, a British currency paper printing and security company. List of shame: Here are the Republicans who took Soros funding George Soros is the most dangerous man in America. George Soros's Family Office Bets Against Crypto Bank Silvergate . Their website, A company called Sequoia Voting Systems, founded in California, was a key link between the software and systems of Smartmatic and the other giant voting company implicated in huge USA 2020 vote fraud, Dominion Voting Systems of Canada. Soros is a major funder of Democratic Party candidates and groups, including BLM. Election officials found specific glitches in Michigan and Georgia, but the company says thats not the fault of the equipment. Both also have past ties to the Carlyle Group. I co-founded the company in 2003 on three basic pillars: security, accessibility and transparency. "We are grateful to the Georgia . Poulos leaving the rental apartment the morning of Jan. 22 with a suitcase that matched the one found at the dump. Kim OggHarris County (Houston), Texas. Smartmatic assigned a major portion of its development teams, to revamping Sequoias old-fashioned, legacy voting machines, and replacing their technology with avant-garde proprietary features and developments, which, In 2007 Princeton Professor of Computer Science, Andrew Appel, testified as an expert in a legal case in New Jersey involving the Sequoia Advantage voting machines that it was very easy to replace the software inside a computerized machine so it tells the voter it is voting for one candidate but really puts the vote in the wrong columnYou can even, In the same year 2007, the California Secretary of State decertified Sequoia voting machines in the state election, declaring that the Sequoia voting machines allow the insertion of a Trojan program via a malicious USB removable storage media device that could modify ballot definitions and results. The ruling added that Sequoia voting machines could be made to shift votes from one candidate to another and [the shift] was not detectable on the voter verifiable paper. At 4:32 p.m. local time, cameras capture the same gray car arriving at the airport. US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros - The Hill In lieu of actual consequences, Ayala has sought to punish criminals like kindergartners by giving them an adult timeout and having their charges dropped in exchange for watching an educational video about resisting crimes and the dangers associated with breaking the law. But in an April letter responding to a request by the House Committee on Administration, Dominion CEO John Poulos said Dominion is 75.2% owned by the New York-based private equity firm Staple . #CNN #News #. Darius PattilloHenry County, Georgia. Its not entirely unusual for a major company to have ties to political leadersoften on both sides. Kim GardnerSt. Paulson had made his name betting against mortgage securities in the months leading up to the financial crisis. Hedge fund billionaires John Paulson and George Soros were part of the group that together with buyout baron Christopher Flowers and billionaire Michael Dell bought the assets in 2009 of the former IndyMac, one of the nations largest bank failures ever, from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which had seized its assets. The SBC Consortium comprised Smartmatic (51%), Bitza software (2%), and state telecommunications organization CANTV (47%). But Sequoia, now called SVS Inc. of the USA, was still controlled by the Venezuelan-origin Smartmatics. Foxx has also made headlines for presiding over Chicagoslargest spike in homicidesin more than 30 years while her officedropped chargesagainst 30 percent of felony defendants during 2020. The views of the authors do not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the editorial board. The Chavez-appointed R&D Software head of Bitza was Omar Montilla Castillo, a Chavez Government official. In dozens of voting districts across those states using Dominion systems, the vote tally produced statistically impossible voter statistics, such as 100% or 105% voter turnout or even higher. Raul TorrezBernalillo County (Albuquerque), New Mexico. The investor is intent on remaking the country to his liberal image, from our foreign-policy priorities to undermining our criminal-justice system. Soros is a major funder of Democratic Party candidates and groups, including BLM. Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, explains how the 92-year-old has gone around legislatures to decide which laws will be followed. George Soros Places $500 Million Bet On 'Fall Of US Economy' - News Punch Here are four key things to know about Dominion, the voting machine manufacturer that is causing such a stir. His $1.3 billion suit against an ex-Trump lawyer might be the "first step" in a powerful fight against actual fake news. Lawsuits in the Philippines ensued over glitches and allegations of fraud. In 2008 just after the inauguration of Barack Obama as president, Obamas UN Ambassador-to-be, Samantha Power, notedthat, The principal conduit between Britain and the Candidate [Obama] has been Lord Malloch Brown, the Junior Foreign Minister This is the person today heading the highly controversial voting systems group, Smartmatic. Bryan Bedder. Tracking George Soros's Portfolio - Q4 2022 Update It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election. The investor is intent on remaking the country to his liberal image, from our foreign policy priorities to undermining our criminal justice system. No longer could bipartisan vote monitors theoretically insure election vote integrity. Smartmatic today still has deep Venezuelan roots to corrupt Chavez and Maduro circles. The merged Smartmatic-Sequoia company was flourishing in the US market until a US Treasury investigation of Smartmatics possible ties to a foreign government, Venezuela, forced Smartmatic to sell Sequoia. At the time the New York Times, then somewhat more objective than today, wrote, Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the countrys elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that confirmed Mr. Chvez as president in August 2004.. This meant voters couldnt cast machine ballots for two hours on Election Day, prompting a state court to extend voting hours to 11 p.m. Later, Gwinnett County, which also uses Dominion machines, experienced a delay in reporting results. Foxx has most recently been in the news forpotential ethics violationsin her 2019 decision todrop charges against Jussie Smolletfor his infamous hate crime hoax. Soros was thelargest spender in the race, and Gascon won easily. George Soros, John Paulson, and other billionaire investors won't have During congressional testimony in January, John Poulos, CEO of Dominion Voting Systems confirmed that the machines Dominion manufactures include components from China and noted the issue of. Sequoia Voting Systemsthe Bridge Too Far. Verizon: 605-562-5111 The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors decided to give Biberajs office a smaller budget increase than requested in 2021 due to high turnover and her handling of domestic violence cases: Of 735 cases brought to her office, she dismissed 491, bringing only 8% to trial. In a statement to Gizmodo, Dominion CEO John Poulos wrote that the "barrage of lies" from Newsmax, OAN, and Byrne "have caused and continue to cause severe damage to our company,. U F. William Engdahl. Who is George Soros and why is he blamed in so many right-wing John Poulos, a Texas man suspected of killing his DJ girlfriend, Valentina Trespalacios, in Colombia is expected to be extradited from Panam. States that attempted to shutter abortion businesses to prevent an overtaxing of the health care system were [] As legitimate businesses were forced to close, and non-essential surgeries were banned, abortion facilities remained open under gubernatorial and health department exemptions. In the 2020 election Dominion was responsible for some 50% of all votes in 30 states and was dominating in every state where the outcome is being contested by the Trump legal teams, namely in Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. The chief executive officer of Dominion Voting Systems on Thursday did not rule out taking legal action against President Donald Trump as the election technology company has been the target of. Statement From Dominion Dominion CEO John Poulos Appears Before Georgia State Election Board to Discuss 2020 Voting System Rollout, Disinformation "Dominion is proud to be the State of Georgia's partner in the successful rollout of the new statewide voting system for the 2020 cycle," said CEO John Poulos. At the time Dominion of Canada bought Sequoia SVS Inc, the latter had contracts for 300 jurisdictions in 16 states. Retired Chicago Park District Supervisor of Welles Park. There is a link between the two, though. Below is a list by state and jurisdiction of every DA that CRC has discovered receiving Soros funding, and some notable details about each. (Safety copy has been saved). James StewartCaddo Parish, Louisiana. John Poulos: Liar-in-chief for Dominion Voting Systems Homicide rates soared,organized shoplifting spreesravaged the city,trains were stopped and ransackedby mobs of looters. 25, 2010. Getty Images. In short, Smartmatic bought US-based Sequoia, put its technology into Sequoia, and then sold it to Dominion. In 2016, Kim Ogg became the states first Soros-backed DA after Sorosspent more than $600,000on the race. The leaders underscored the positive role of U.S.-supported initiatives in ensuring regional stability and the well-being of Guatemalans, which in turn reduces migration to the U.S. Police said Poulos and Trespalacios had been dating for 10 months, and met online. In 2020, Garzareleased hundreds of inmatesfrom jail over COVID-19 protocols, even though only six people in Austin at the time were known to have COVID-19. The delegation believes that given the proven success of these projects, U.S. support must be restored. Trump Election Attacks Puts Dominion Voting Systems in Crosshairs Thanks for contacting us. What you need to know about George Soros, the Jewish philanthropist Amid litigation and recounts in the presidential election, significant attention is focused on a Denver-based company with strong political ties. In fact, Soross funding of Patello nearly went unreported, possibly because Patello does not seem to share the radical views of his fellow Soros DAs. George Soros: Hugh Hefner: Jack Grubman: Jeff Skilling: John Grisham: John Rigas: Ken Lay: Martha Stewart: Mel Gibson: Oprah Winfrey: Ralph Lauren: Donald Trump: