The majority of participants (63.6%) were in the junior ranks, holding ranks of Staff Nurse or Senior Staff Nurse. Collectively, nurses can take the lead in support of the Institute for . Walden University Nursing Professions Potential Impact on Policy and Or the Senate? The political factions leverage it to gain support for their views on how healthcare can be accessed, provided, and funded. It's an independent field of medicine, and a nurse is not . For more information please follow the below link: When these battle lines are drawn, politically astute nurses and nurse leaders will often lead the charge in protecting (or even expanding) the Nurse Practice Act under threat. Kaiser-Permanente. Lack of awareness, inadequate skills, and little opportunity for involvement are just a few factors. From apathy to political activism. Other large groups of people living here include the Dagarbas, Mamprusis, and Akans. Fortunately, I do believe the up and coming generation of new nurses will become more involved in politics, and since nursing is the largest profession, I can only imagine what impact nurses and future nurses will have on health care policies and regulations. (2019). It was Kaiser-Permanente to profit Nixons campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser. Volunteering for a political campaign matters. Journal of Professional Nursing, 21(1), 5-8. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2004.11.005. For instance, in terms of voting, 95% were registered voters, 77.3% had voted in the last general election, and 80% had voted in the last two elections. Study findings suggested that nurses are generally very active in registering to vote, voting, and registering to be a member of a professional nursing organization; however, they often do not participate in other forms of political activities. Nurses and nursing students can be mindful of the policy development issues that affect their practice and patient care. 1. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics. The majority of respondents (91.1%) were registered members of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA), but only a few took part in meetings and programs of the association. Professor Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme is an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. HealthCom Media, the publishers of American Nurse Journal, the American Nurses Association and Al Roker Productions collaborated to bring a few shining examples of the exemplary work being done by nurses in today's very challenging healthcare environment to the American public. Please answer to this discussion in 100 words and 2 references The term policymakers refer to a collection of stakeholders tasked with finding solutions to problems that nongovernmental or philanthropic organizations have failed to resolve. During his time at the Tamale Teaching Hospital, he was deputy secretary for the local chapter of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association. Obviously, drug development is an incredibly risky business where 99% of . Key Words: Political participation, Political Astuteness Inventory, political activities, politics, policy, nurses, Ghana. In other words, they were in the category of low and very low levels of political participation. plasma or erythrocytes into venous circulation. This finding also supports the assertion of Boswell, Cannon, and Miller (2005) who described nurses apathy towards political participation as a pandemic. Nurses' involvement in health policy making is clear; however, still few are involved in policy-making processes, even in the clinical context. The section on political participation contained an adapted version of the Political Astuteness Inventory (PAI) developed by P. E. Clark (2008) and used with permission. All of these findings clearly indicate that nurses are generally very interested in voting as a political activity. It may not be for everyone, but it is one of many ways for nurses to assume important positions of power and influence. - potential-impact-policy-politics/ End of preview. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 3(2), 97107. We requested that participants read the consent form, and sign if they agreed to take part in the study. 61(1), 1-2. Description: There are limited narrative review articles on addressing stigma and bias in the language we use with those with Opioid Use Disorders, particularly in nursing journals. Cramer, M. E. (2002). Being active and jointing a professional nursing organization, such s the ANA, is essential as these organizations have lobbyists that discuss nursing issues at Capital hill. Keith is also the co-host of RNFM Radio, a popular Internet radio station devoted to the nursing profession. As such, Nurses have the potentials to profoundly influence politics COMMUNIQUE OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT NURSES AND MIDWIVES HELD ON THE 28TH-30TH NEW YEARS ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT NURSES AND MIDWIVES (NANSNM) . The idea behind this reform is to improve access to quality healthcare services for all, regardless of their income or health status. The details, including your email address/mobile number, may be used to keep you informed about future products and services. Nurs Res Pract. Based on this typology, the authors classified citizens into six different groups on the basis of the types of political activities they undertook. Such healthcare company executives SettingThe study was conducted in Tamale, which is officially called Tamale Metropolitan area and is the capital town of the Northern Region of Ghana. We are the ones at the bedside and those who sit behind a desk and make the policies sometimes dont have a clue. Politics and Nursing - NursesUSA This generally high level of political participation among residents of Tamale makes it an ideal setting to study political behavior among a group of people. The authors discuss their findings, and conclude that nurses may not participate in high intensity level political activities, but they do engage in low intensity actions, such as voting in elections. Antrobus & Kitson cited that "broader socio-political factors which have influenced the way in which nursing leadership has developed have not been examined" (1999, p. 747). Political Astuteness Inventory. No part of this website or publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Factors that act as facilitators and barriers to nurse leaders participation in health policy development. Additionally, studies show that nurses are not given sufficient support to generate the evidence needed to influence healthcare policy. Together we are strong. PDF Doctor of Nursing Practice Student Practicum Guidebook 2022-2023 With the chronically ill population with more than one comorbid condition 4.8 minutes was not even enough time to cover teaching medications much less disease education, memory decline/impairment, mobility issues, fall risks, nutrition, ADLs, or any of the other critical keys. The views and opinions expressed by Perspectives contributors are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of the American Nurses Association, the Editorial Advisory Board members, or the Publisher, Editors and staff of American Nurse Journal. This limited participation is seen more clearly when nurses were asked about how much money they were able to contribute to political parties, candidates or nursing organizations for political purposes. :10.1177/152715440200300203, International Foundation for Electoral Systems. (2013). Detailed results are presented in Table 5. The site is secure. Similarly, Avolio (2014) noted that although nurses agreed that it was important to be politically active, only 30% of respondents reported that they were motivated to become involved in politics. Thank You. 2014;45(5):203-4. International Council of Nurses (2012). As such, nurses have the potential to profoundly influence policy and politics on a global scale. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics Healthcare Policy - Nursing Healthcare Reform | ANA Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 18(3), 135148. Nurse leaders can use their sphere of influence to shape policy within their organization and encourage nursing staff's health policy involvement. Many nurses enjoy taking care of their patients and being at the bedside to where they dont want to become involved in administration and the business or political aspect of their job. NURS 6050 week 8 Discussion: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making Finally, employers need to provide staff nurses with the time, resources, and opportunities to influence local, state and federal policy. Several nurses have served in the U.S. Congress, and more than a handful of physicians have also sought political office. I'm a 50 year old self-employed Pirate from the Caribbean. Time and resources are further obstacles to the nursing professions participation in politics. Many nursing scholars, professional nursing organizations, and other health-focused organizations, expect and encourage nurses to engage in socio-political activities. Registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can actively participate in policymaking by joining a professional nursing organization or by writing their state representatives (The Nursing Profession's Potential Impact on Policy and Politics, 2016), also known as lobbying. An official website of the United States government. I do agree that many nurses become frustrated with the policies that they have to follow which can lead to burnout, which ultimately leads to a shortage of nurses. At the end all of us will be affected. Furthermore, today's nurses are younger, more educated, and more diverse. As officers in state nursing organizations, nurse practitioners can directly influence policies that relate to both scope of practice and education standards." Local Health Policy - On the local level, nurses "have a unique advantage in recommending guidelines for community-wide, school, and even environmental health issues. He has also served on numerous university boards and committees. Policies to sustain the nursing workforce: an international perspective. In a study about political efficacy and political participation among nurses in Kenya, Ahoya et al. Int Nurs Rev. Afizu Alhassan, MN, BSN, RNEmail: Who started this race to see who could make the most money at the expense of each American patient? 5 Issues Nurses Face in Their Career - Walden University The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making - Masterly Nursing Papers I eventually simply refused to do it as did thousands of other RNs. Local, state and national elections have real-life consequences on issues that we care about, and no matter where a nurse or healthcare provider falls on the political spectrum, being an informed citizen is prudent and wise. The implications of health policy for nursing - PubMed From the get go, IE my first night on the floor, the nurse to patient ration made that impossible. New policies made for healthcare should be made by those who have worked in the field and can speak on what those changes should be first hand, . This is an opportunity to recognise their safety critical role, to address the workforce crisis and to make nursing a career of choice once again. A period of one week was allowed for consenting participants to complete the survey. This travesty forced on American Healthcare is not just a matter of nurse to patient ratios/caseloads. Scholars have presented various reasons as to why the call for nurses to be politically active is ethical and the right thing to do. Restricted access Research article First published November 8, 2022 pp. Kunaviktikul, W. (2014). Among all healthcare professionals, nurses are the ones closest to clients and consumers of healthcare (Juma et al., 2014). 8600 Rockville Pike Retrieved from American Nurses: https://www.myamericannurse . These percentages are generally higher than the average voter turnout in national elections in Ghana, which is estimated at 71.35% (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2019). A similar trend of passive participation was observed among participants in terms of organizational participation A similar trend of passive participation was observed among participants in terms of organizational participation, that is nurses level of engagement within nursing organizations. In an age when more women and people of color are running for office, perhaps it's also time for nurses to step into their own power and run for something they believe in. Tamale is located in the Northern region of Ghana, in the Kingdom of Dagbong. NUR 4327 Discussion Week 1 - NUR 4327 Discussion Week 1 - Studocu Is there a nurse in the House? I am glad to read some nursing schools are including how to have a voice in changing policies in politics involving health care. Get help with homework questions from verified tutors 24/7 on demand. Fall Semester. These findings are similar to those of Avolio (2014) who studied the beliefs and practices of registered nurses in Canada with regards to political advocacy, and reported that 78% of nurses surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed that it is important for nurses to be politically active, and 76% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that politics is a concern of nurses. Statistics: An Introductory Analysis (2nd ed.). The National Debate over Government-Controlled Health Care Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice - Volume 24, Number 1, Feb 01, 2023 He has supervised numerous research projects at the undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctoral levels, and provided supervisory guidance for the study reported in this article, from the conceptual stages to its very final stages. 54-61 . When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. As mentioned above, legislation that impacts nursing practice can radically change nurses' work lives. Br J Community Nurs. These are opinion pieces and are not peer reviewed. The code serves as the foundation for "nursing theory, practice, and praxis" in expressing the "values, virtues, and obligations that shape, guide, and inform nursing as a profession.". Since I am in nursing school at the moment, I can understand why new nurses would be overwhelmed to become involved in politics. American Nurses Association. Background Characteristics of RespondentsOnly a minute percentage were in the highest category of political participation. only a small number of the nurses were found to be politically astute. Thanks to their frontline role, nurses offer a unique, expert perspective on every aspect of the health care system, and have a key voice in ongoing efforts to improve public health.As the lead organization representing the interests of the nation's 4 million . Politics and nurses both play a critical role in our daily lives, even in ways we were not aware. He worked as a clinical nurse for four years at the Tamale Teaching Hospital before beginning his teaching career, which has included teaching at the Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Kpembe, for four years, and also at the Midwifery Training College, Gushegu. In M. J. Clark (Ed), Community assessment reference guide for community health nursing: Advocacy for population health. Discussion 2: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making Nursing shaping and influencing health and social care policy. In fact, it is the moral and professional obligation of nurses to be engaged in legislation that impacts their patients. J Nurs Regulation. Nursing leadership in addressing the social determinants of health. He served as the national president of the Ghana Nurse and Midwife Trainees Association during his student days at the Nurses’ Training College, Tamale. Disclaimer. Whether you fill a seat on the local school board, sit on the governor's healthcare advisory council or mount a challenge against an incumbent U.S. senator who is no friend to nurses, you can have an appreciable impact on the world around you. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used to collect data from 225 registered nurses in three hospitals and two nursing training schools . Int Nurs Rev. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Influence through policy: Nurses have a unique role - As such, nurses have the potential to profoundly influence policy and politics on a global scale. Since Ghanaian nurses are generally more interested in just voting, and also since they register with professional nursing organizations but do not actively participate in the activities of these organizations, it may be appropriate to say that these nurses fall within the category of voting specialists. 2) stated, "lack of awareness, inadequate skills, little opportunity for involvement limited formal health care policy education in nursing time and resource are further obstacles to the nursing profession's participation in politics." With nursing being one of the largest medical professions in the world, we should be leading . Yet, studies have shown that nurse participation in political activities remains low. When nurses were asked how important it is for nurses to know about political issues, 80% said it was very important. 2009 Sep;17(6):698-706. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00946.x. It could also lead to more scholarship opportunities for those interested in pursuing a nursing-STEM career. And nurses can even run for state office there are two nurses currently serving in the Florida State Legislature. CRNA Continuing Education Symposium and CRNA Anesthesia Seminars for Nurse Anesthetists.Palm Springs Oasis in the Desert 2019 Encore Symposium is organized by Encore Symposium and will be held from Feb 18 21, 2019 at Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Palm Springs, California,USA. Citation: Alhassan, A., Kumi-Kyereme, A., Wombeogo, M., Fuseini, A.-G., (February 22, 2019) "Nurse Participation in Political Activities: Level and Practices of Registered Nurses in Tamale, Ghana" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol.