In the show Who wants to be a millionaire, all the questions they asked him, were important moments in his life, but he didnt have the last answer of the the last question: who is the third musketeer, he used his last lifeline in calling his brother, but Latika answered the call. Does Latika sleep with Salim? - AnswersAll What happens to the victims? As Maman and the other men wander in, they instantly recognize the boys, and Maman says, "I never forget a face, especially one that I own.". Some of the things that characterize these two types of slums are the very poor of conditions of live, the houses made of poor materials, like straw, the people that do not even have a home and the poor materials of what are made the roads. If India is presenting this show it indicates a signal of progress as the developed and industrialized countries in the world. For me the most important message or impression from the movie is that you never give up, we can see that in the film in the climax, when Jamal won 20 million rupees, he dont imagine that and he dont give up In the game, when the tv host question to Jamal if he want to pass to next question he say yes, already is he dont know the question. He then gives Jamal the wrong answer written on the mirror in the rest room. And also, provide them a psychological help to go beat their trauma. Use a high-quality bubble bath product. Then, in my opinion, they should give them (when they become adults) a good job, so this will keep them doing things and will not give opportunity to get in drugs. .Or they could have survived since they left the place before it happened. Historically a bath tub literally a large metal tub big enough to bathe in was a staple of American home life from early years. Probably as a show-off when he gets killed. Who were the people who killed Jamal's mother? *there's a lot of garbage. . Here in lima happens something similar. When he fails to convince her that he lives in Scotland like her, she hangs up. The title explains Jamal's identity, and motif, in the movie. In Peru, there is a very notable difference between the number of rich and poor people, that causes lots of society problems like for example discrimination between the different social classes. Answer: A vegetable sandwich. No one would ever think that a slum-dog could end up winning that much money, and even less that he will earn it in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? The people who live in the slums do not live in houses, they live in shacks, not houses. The differences are that in India there are confrontations because of the different religions that fight each other, in Peru they fight because of the differences between soccer teams. Two of the main cast members and most of the crew are Indians who have worked in Bollywood. One of the most striking and comic images in the film is the image of the young Jamal, having jumped through the hole of a public toilet into the feces below, running towards the Bollywood star, Amitabh Bachchan, in hopes of getting his autograph. A CD release came out in December. A poor person cant satisfy his basic needs like eating, having a good hygiene, etc. The Movie is saying that the program Who wants to be a Millionaire? Eventually, Salim picks up and Jamal begins to speak the call center script, but Salim recognizes his voice. Like the hero of the Oscar-winning film, Sushil Kumar used his wits to win a fortune - but one year on, his life has changed only a little. why is this a relevant fact in the movie? Salim wanted to gie because he regrets his actions. Not affiliated with Harvard College. He put a whole space between Latika and his brother, he made his brother suffer and did anything in order to get money and get out of the slums. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) - Frequently Asked Questions - IMDb It means that Jamal was born in a slumdog family and he was poor, and by consecuence, the people of this same economic situation, had difficulties to get this type of beneficts because of racism, fear, etc. Finally, he says God is great, as it gave the opportunity to get rid of that weight off. Most people choose the wrong way, because it is the easiest and also because they have no choice, because they have no education. He was abandoned at birth in the clothing bin of a Catholic church in Delhi, and raised for eight years by a benevolent English priest named Father Timothy. Also, there's an old saying. GradeSaver "Slumdog Millionaire Part 3: Latika Summary and Analysis". After his victory, Jamal goes to the train station to wait for Latika. ", Jamal tells the policemen that Latika is the most beautiful woman in the world, and when the older one makes a joke about her being a "slum bitch," Jamal attacks him angrily. He finds some numbers for Salim and makes some calls trying to find his old friend. Because when this happen a lot of people star losing their jobs so they have to live on this really poor places thats why I think the industrial revolution start and know you need to have a good education and this people cant get this so thats why most of them stay poor until they died. This is a critical situation, that is really affecting the conditions of live of this slums, but I think that if we unit us as a state, leave the indifference, we can solution this problem and all the others. First, if the children were well educated the wouldnt have the mentality to steal thing for survive, they will look for a job to earn money and keep studing to get a better job and have a good life. How does the title and the Indian and Lima slums are not so different since both are poor and are located outside the city. The first difference is just that the Indian slum is located in a flat surface while here most slums are in the sides of the mountains and for that people who live there have to come up and down every day just to work. what does the title mean? Jamal is asked to answer questions that he wouldnt know if he didnt live that rough and difficult life. The scene shifts back to the policemen's office. Edit, Director Danny Boyle originally wanted to cast someone who was born and raised in India. However, he could not find the right boy to play the older Jamal. Every single question was a important moment of Jamals life, thats why he could answer every question. They live with houses of a very bad material like cardboard. Edit, Jai Ho is a phrase that literally means Victory (Jai) Be (Ho). How did the filmmakers secure the rights to 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'. slumdog millionaire Flashcards | Quizlet What do you think the film is saying about the globalization of culture through media? (A) Aramis, (B) Cardinal Richelieu, (C) D'Artagnan, or (D) Planchet.Answers: (1) A; (2) A; (3) D; (4) A; (5) C; (6) A; (7) D; (8) D; (9) A. Essencially, we are talking about a Slumdog, a little boy from the streets, non educated and without a clue about what is basic culture. Edit, Jamal got the $100 bill from the American tourists who had their car stripped a few scenes earlier. The comparison between Lima Slums To Mumbai slums are that, the problems of poverty are not reviewed by the politics and it is a problem that Is not only on Lima and Mumbai, is in all the world, near the school there is a popular slum, they name of that slum is Manchay, is a place that people dont have enough money to build their houses and dont have money for eat all days, they need helps from the people who have money, in Mumbai happened the same thing,, Mumbai have a large population and the government cant give money for everybody so some people need to live by his own ways, that kind of people are the sums. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? His surname comes from a family that adopted him for three days before giving him back to the church. "This is our destiny," Jamal whispers. Instead, Jamal chose the way of honesty and hard work. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. They only keep that the poor people increase and they dont care because they want to negotiate with companies for get more money. The rest of the film is in English. . I think the government is the only one that can solve this problem. His life has often been referred to as a true rags to riches story. Read the Study Guide for Slumdog Millionaire, Portraying Persistence: The Importance of Cinematic Techniques in Slumdog Millionaire, Cultural Dimensions in Slumdog Millionaire, View Wikipedia Entries for Slumdog Millionaire. In my oponion, the cause of this phenomena is the migration. How does the title and the contrast within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Lots of kids dont have even a basic education and they are becoming people with almost no possibilities of getting a job and working. (A) Truth alone triumphs, (B) Lies alone triumph, (C) Fashion alone triumphs, or (D) Money alone triumphs. With his last breath, he utters the words . | It could have also been added because the youngest Jamal tells Latika that one day they'll be together and they will sing and dance, and so it ended the film on a joyous note. In conclusion, we can say that slums are caused by the lack of willpower of people who lives in them and that the only solution to this is the effort. Jamal stalls, before saying the correct answer, Benjamin Franklin. He has to be restrained and the policeman says, "Money and women, the reasons to make the most mistakes in life. Social, political and economic exclusion and This image will set the scene for Jamal's ascension, as he continues to be a lower-class character who manages to commune with greatness. Freida Pinto Net Worth: Freida Pinto is an Indian actress and model who has a net worth of $14 million. They are taught songs of the blind poet Surdas and learn they will likely be blinded when they finish learning the songs, in order to work as blind, singing beggars. Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. Answering to the first question, the title refers to change. PDF SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE FILM NOTES Director: Danny Boyle Editing Camera Boys and girls are abandoned everyday by their parents when they are very little. Salim isn's just a questionable character, he is a bad brother. Slumdog Millionaire essays are academic essays for citation. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? Directed by Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire received 10 nominations at the 81st Academy Awards, out of which the film bagged eight trophies. If think that the solution for this big problem here in Peru and probably in Mumbai also is the reorganization of the government. The producers, director, and writer are not Indian. But he didnt mind about the money he was about to win, he only wanted to find Latika and when that happen be with her and demonstrate the love that he feels. So its a poor boy from the streets that enters the game and makes his best guess. Per is Just like India in a lot of ways. The government must take action in this situation. "You really thought you could just walk in and take my prize away?" In Mumbai in the same thing, people who live in slums think that all their live, they will be poor. There are a lot of slums in both cities, but Mumbai has the highest population of slums in a small territory. Salim finds the life of crime agreeable, but Jamal scrapes by with small jobs until landing a spot on the game show. and in long term I think that we need to make our country grow so there are going to be more job opportunities and also the banks are helping them by giving them money to run out a business and also upgraded the nationals schools so these people can have a good education and maybe enter to universities if they study hard enough so if we do this in a few years we are going to see less poor children on the streets asking for money. In Per, if we go to the poorest places in Lima, we would find the same we have seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Show that soon or late, hardworking gives you a reward and vices just finishes with your life. (A) Samuel Colt, (B) Bruce Browning, (C) Dan Wesson, or (D) James Revolver. Well, the destiny was a really important theme in the movie, because the caste system says that if you born in a slum you are destined to be a super poor guy, without chance to be someone in live, but in the movie, we see that Jamal Malik goes again that law and finish being someone. Edit, The award is for a foreign language film. But he was a slumdog, how did he won the game? These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle. But the problem is that most of them, act like Salim because it is the easiest way and also because getting into drugs and vices (for them) is the perfect way to go through the trauma they have from the left of their parents which is the cause of all this problem. As everyone knows, the title of this film is Slumdog Millionaire, a phrase conformed by totally different words. by luck, should be your go to guess in most cases. Odds of winning this lottery are almost zero but just as are excited this way, people with the remote possibility of winning. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. While it seems that the climactic eventJamal winning the game showis revealed within the first few moments of the film, the sequence of events that lead to this victory are far less straightforward than one might have imagined. He makes this choice because he realizes that he has done a lot of damage to his brother and he wants to fix it sacrificing himself and killing all the men that were entering the room and then dying. But even with schools, children dont assist to them because they are working to get something to eat for their family. We should make people realize that these people are also human beings and we should help them. After all, earlier he does seem to be attracted to her when she is in dancing for the advert for Maman. 2000-year-old Roman Baths in the English city of Bath have been closed for public bathing since 1978 after a girl died of a meningitis-related illness. This people usually live on the streets or in slums. How this problem began, is simple when the people doesnt treat the other with dignity and respect, insult or thinking that they doesnt have nothing at all, start when the people just want to see his own perspective of the live instead of turn around and see that maybe the world its not so great it have a great problem and that exclusion which no one should suffer. He knows this because one of the call center operators who worked on the phone system told him. My enemy's enemy is a friend." Woman Risks Brain Eating Disease To Take A 3-Hour Swim In Roman Baths Slumdog Millionaire won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. He filled the bathtub with money because money was always like "the best" for him. Lots of kids dont have even a basic education and they are becoming people with almost no possibilities of getting a job and working. The man with the gun turned out to be a contract killer. The solution to this problem is to organise the place where they are living, clean the area to avoid dissease. The title no provide the entire summary but if you analysis the title you can deduce that the theme of the movie is that a person who live in a slum is going to become a millionaire. How did Jamal get on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". Edit, Song and dance sequences are very common in Bollywood movies to portray feelings of love, happiness, or other emotions. As I said before, this title deals with predujice and discrimination tto people from the slums, and how they make their money. Forget about her.". How Much Money Did Slumdog Millionaire Win? | Uptechnet This angular shooting, often in conjunction with very quick cuts, creates a playful and adventurous atmosphere in the storytelling, and makes the narrative seem very exciting. Poor people migrate to well-known cities in their countries in order to have the same opportunities as the ones who already live there and have a job. While Jamal resists the life of a gangster, the easiest way to Are you referring to "Zanjeer" the film, or the novel, Slumdog Millionaire. Both of them dont fit but in the movie they do. More books than SparkNotes. The host of the game show asks a question about which American statesman is on the one hundred dollar bill. does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach? *the classrooms are very small/crowded with students. The police release him to complete the quiz show. Why does he make this choice? Theres this famous saying that the truth shall set you free. Proceed by removing the plastic caps from the center of the faucet. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful contribution Jean What the title doesnt explain is how exactly he answered the shows hard questions. Suddenly, he is accused of cheating on the grounds that no street kid could possibly know the answers to such impossible questions. Jamal's belief in his ability to find Latika, in spite of having no leads, makes his story that much more of a fairy tale. I really think that the cause of this is bad education and lack of opportunities. *it's really crowded. The patch did the job for the time being, at least. Putting to study small childrens without families, or doing publics schools to this childrens, so that from small can read, add, so on, because knowing this, they can work when they grow and working they would have money to eat and not stole, because children are the future of a country. Because here in Peru we have a commercial product equivalent to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? The co-director is an Indian who has not worked in Bollywood. Here in Peru, the same thing occurs in slums. When Jamal protests, Salim tells him to do as he says, and demands sexual attention from Latika, on the grounds that he saved her life. Jamal Malik (Dev Patel), an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, India, is just one question away from winning the grand prize on India's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. In India there is a piramide wich explain the 5 categories of a person based on their money and job, In the movie as much as in real life this actually occurs, so marked, so strong that we do not even see what happen to people who are below us, or do you see in the news that a slumdog found a new cure to the diabetes and actually he really founded, no we dont see that, And what only is attracted to the media is when a person gives to a charity a good quantity of money. Because he realized he had been doing wrong his whole life and he wanted to have no more regrets. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. As in the book, he gets the money and the girl.In the book, the quiz show is called Who Will Win a Billion?, offering a top prize of one billion rupees. So there are much more slums in India than in all South America. I think that the causes of this phenomena are: that the people who live in the slums, dont want to prgress or work in a place, to earn some money. Secondly, the life in the slums of Lima is very hard too, but it isnt with a lot of garbage or some dead animals, but they have a lot of difficulties too, like the economy problems or health problems, etc. This is Jamal's position in the call center where he works when he appears on the game show. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. In an underground passageway, Jamal sees a boy from the camp who has been blinded, singing and begging for money. But nevertheless, an exhibitionist in a somewhat desperate cry for attention took a three hour dip this week and while she is described in a Somerset Live article as a "bit of a hippy" it . Slumdog Millionaire Part 3: Latika Summary and Analysis He dies after getting shot, bathing in a tub of money. Is The New York Review the same as the New York Review of Books. The only way that, this can change is giving them education and a place to live in peace and not being exposed to violence. In order to make people more confortable the government should provide, in any possible way, more jobs so people can earn money without stealing it. The government and a lot of people give these people financial support, but this is useless as they will use it until it runs out and they will never progress. It can also mean that everyone can change whatever they want. Rahman with contributions by M.I.A., was released exclusively on iTunes in November 2008. Give them chances to move on. bc he is from the slums & they thought he wouldn't be smart enough. bathroom - Do I really need to fill the tub with water to properly Comparing Lima slums to Indian slums, both of them are very similar. He filled the bathtub with money because it was the best for him. For my it is ethic the decision that make Salim of kill Maman because this 2 reasons the first one is that if he dont kill Maman , Maman is going to take advantage of the poor kids and the second is that if Salim didnt kill Maman when Maman get the opportunity he will kill all of them. Being a slum dog is being in one of the lowest social classes in the caste system. and he only played because he thought Latika (his true love) would see it and he could find her. There are many solutions that we can put in practice like never throw to the rubbish the food, instead we can approach them giving it to the persons that really need them, the slums. After getting a small hut, they need to find for a job but they wont get a job because of their lack of knowledge and thats also the way which makes crime increase. This decissions are alson taken by people in Lima, for example poor people have to take a decission between robbing or work really hardly for their money, people who are honorable choose to make their money by their own effort, like Salim who decided at the end of the movie to be honorable and fair to Jamal. The image of the boy covered in feces but holding a perfectly pristine photograph to be autographed is striking in the contrast between shiny Bollywood celebrity worship and a young slumdog literally covered in poop. Latika (Freida Pinto), having meanwhile been helped by Salim to escape from Javed's (Mahesh Manjrekar) "safehouse" and given his cellphone, races back to her car to answer the call. (LogOut/ Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? At the same time that Jamal is winning, Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for the death he knows will happen when Javed discovers what he has done. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Why does he make this choice? Originally titled Slumdog Millionaire: Kaun Banega Crorepati, the name was shortened for legal reasons. Where did Jamal get the $100 bill to give to Arvind? QUESTION: The fragmented and nonlinear structure of the plot heightens the dramatic tension of the film. Then what is wrong from the goverment is that they think that giving food and water and elctricity would stop the phenomena of the big massive poblation of slums, but they are wrong, actually giving that to the people, would make us believe that everything rain from the clouds, because if you have everything that is essencial to live and is free why i have to do, work? In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. Suddenly a woman starts talking on the phone and Jamal begins talking to her. Edit, In the book, the first-person narrator and quiz show contestant is named Ram Mohammad Thomas. The love story, which is prominently featured in the film, was written by Beaufoy. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. What is written underneath it? Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. Known by the name of "Cherry," it is implied that Latika has been kept a virgin to increase her value for her eventual sale into prostitution. Everything must be aimed at improving the quality of life, to try to reduce malnutrition in children, to seek incentives to improve their income. QUESTION: This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. There is no lawyer, and no Gudiya. But the money wasnt the most important thing in his destiny, the most important thing was, that he finish finding Latika, they were separate for a long of time, but finally they met. Salim discovered that the way of vices and wrong liberty takes you to the wrong ending, but he discovered it too late. There is no such scene in the book, although its possibility is suggested.For three years, from ages eleven through thirteen, Ram works as a daytime houseboy for a retired movie actress in her forties named Neelima Kumari. Because he realized he had been doing wrong his whole life and he wanted to have no more regrets. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The film tries to show through media that people can obtain a prize for the knowledge they have. He was dubbed the real Slumdog millionaire After he became the first person to win the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (4) For 250,000 rupees: The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet? Salim Malik makes the decision of filled up the bathtub with all Javed money, because he want a redemption because from the beginning of his life, he always wanted to be rich, and at the end, he want to know that he was going to die, like he always want, rich. This can be stopped, giving more work, so the people can work and have more money. Eventually, Salim forces Jamal into the hall, saying, "I'm number one now," and locking Jamal out of the room. Why was this not eligible for the Foreign Film Oscar?